Comparison of Activity and Inhibitory Mechanism between (+)-Catechin and Water Extract of Gambier (Uncaria Gambir Roxb.) Against Some Bacteria

Muhammad Yanis Musdja, Mustikaning Ayu Hapsari, Andria Agusta


Gambier (Uncaria gambier Roxb) has been used by many people in Asia as anti-microbial, anti-diarrhea, and agent for the treatment of burns. Gambier is also one component for chewing medicine to strengthen teeth and antimicrobial. This research aims to compare the antibacterial activity as well as the mechanism of inhibition between (+)-catechins and gambier extract, as the basis for choosing a substance to be developed as antimicrobial drug. (+)-Catechin was extracted from gambier, the result of (+)-catechin which obtained through isolation was compared with (+)-catechin standard by using thin layer chromatography. The anti-bacterial activity tests of (+)-catechin and extract of gambier were carried out by using the method of microdilution against some bacteria, namely, Staphylococcus epidermidis, S.aureus, S. mutans, S. viridans and Bacillus subtilis. For the detection of the mechanism of bacterial cellular destruction, the leakage of proteins and nucleic acids was observed by using UV-Visible spectrophotometer. In addition, the leakage of ions Ca2+ and K+ was observed by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophometer (AAS). Meanwhile, the cellular morphological changes was observed by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Isolation results of (+)-catechin from gambier was obtained the yield 22.55%. The results of antibacterial activity of catechins was obtained minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values against S. epidermidis, S. mutans, and S. viridans was 5.5 mg/ mL, 8 mg/ mL, and 8 mg/ mL, respectively. While against S. aureus and B. subtilis the MIC values were not obtained up to 25 mg/ mL. The MIC of aqueous extract of gambier against the S. epidermidis was 22.5 mg/ mL. The MIC was not obtained against the other four bacteria until the concentration of 25 mg/ mL.The leakage of protein, nucleic acid as well as K+ and Ca2+ ions were observed at 1 MIC and 2 MIC. T


Catechin; Gambier; Antimicrobial; and Gram Positive Bacteria

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