Design and Implementation of Substitution Power Supply at Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Using Hybrid Distributed Generator Wind Turbine and Solar Cell Powers

Naziruddin Naziruddin, Faizar Abdurahman, Radhiah Radhiah, Maimun Maimun, Said Abu Bakar


The availability of electric energy source in nature such as wind and solar power have not been explored and used significantly as electric power sources for human need of energy. Base transceiver station (BTS) sets a condition as uninterrupted power supply (UPS), which is currently supplied by the grid (PLN). However, that supplies is guaranteed inconsistent for consumer. Therefore, due to fulfil the need of BTS, the energy can be supplied by a substitution of distributed generator (DG) such as wind turbine and solar cell. This research conducts by designing a hybrid of wind turbine and solar cell energy modules. These modules are able to generate 50 Ampere-hour of electric energy. The result of this research shows that it needs 10.41 and 8 hours to fully charge 50-Ah battery for wind turbine and solar cell modules, respectively. Apparently, it is indicate that the designing of wind turbine and solar cell modules could result 100-Ah energy for 10 hours.


Electric energy; wind power; solar cell; BTS

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