Transformational Leadership Role in Human Resource Effectiveness

Gunawan Gunawan, Rhian Indradewa, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah, Diana Fajarwati


This study aims to determine the relationship of transformational leadership with knowledge codification strategies. Here, transformational leadership with personalization strategies knowledge has codification relationship strategies with human capital and personalization strategies (effectiveness of human resources). In this study, we used quantitative data and structural equation modelling techniques to test the model. The confirmation factor analysis is performed to check internal reliability and data validity. Besides, the questionnaire form was adopted from previous literature. The results show a hypothesis testing with a real level of 0.05 obtained p-value of 0.000 <0.05 while a significant and positive relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge codification strategy. Furthermore, there is a significant and positive relationship between transformational leadership with the knowledge personalization strategy, a significant and positive relationship between the codification strategy and the effectiveness of human capital, and a significant and positive relationship between the personalization strategy and the effectiveness of human resources.


effectiveness, leadership, human resources, transformational

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